These tables show the most recent 15-minute poll from each of the remote stations. The wind speed is (mph), wind direction is in degrees from north from which the wind is blowing, (270 = west wind, 360 = north wind, etc. ), temperatures are (degrees F), precipitation is (inches). The MAX's and MIN's shown are for that 15-minute period ending at the time shown. The data page will automatically reload every 5 minutes.
Attention: The data provided on this website is considered best available information only. If your use of the data requires you be informed if the associated instrumentation is found out of calibration or is otherwise compromised, then contact HMS Staff at 373-2716 and identify the specific data you are using and you will be informed of any issues with that data. Otherwise use of any data provided herein is at your own risk.
All towers are 10m, with winds at 10m and temperatures at 2m, except for:
* is a 60m tower
** is a 400 foot tower
*** is a 10 foot tower