Event: 14-Day Public Comment Period on a Hanford Electrical Transmission Line Rebuild Project
Category: Public Comment Periods
Event Date: May 29 - June 11, 2019
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is providing a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Draft Environmental Assessment (Draft EA) for public review. The Draft EA assesses potential environmental effects of Avista Utilities’ proposal to rebuild 12.6 miles of its electrical transmission line on the Hanford Site.
DOE requests comments on the environmental analyses in the Draft EA, including the issues that are considered, the potential impacts that are identified, and the proposed mitigation measures.
The public comment period is May 29 - June 11, 2019. To read the full documentation, please see the NEPA EA webpage https://go.usa.gov/xmpse and the fact sheet attached below.
Please submit comments by June 11 to:
NEPA Document Manager
Benton-Othello EA
U.S. Department of Energy
P.O. Box 550, Mailstop H5-20
Richland, Washington 99352
or electronically AvistaTranLineEA@rl.gov
Fact Sheet