EXTENSION: Public Comment Period for an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis on Proposed Removal Action at the B Plant Complex
In response to a request from the public, DOE is extending the public comment period by 60 days, through October 14, 2020.
The U.S. Department of Energy is holding a 90-day public comment period on an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) that considers alternatives for removal action at the B Plant Complex, including the 221B Canyon Building and the 291B Canyon Ventilation System. The B Plant is located in the 200 East Area of the Hanford Site.
The 30-day comment period is July 13 through Aug. 14 Oct. 14, 2020.
The EE/CA analyzes three alternatives for a non-time-critical removal action for the B Plant Complex. Following the comment period, a selected alternative will be documented in a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Action Memorandum.
Emission units associated with B Plant covered in this EE/CA will be transitioned from the Hanford Air Operating Permit to CERCLA authority. 221B Canyon Building air permits will be discontinued upon the Notice of Transition effective date, which will coincide with the onset of CERCLA field activities covered under this removal action.
Copies of the EE/CA and supporting documentation are on the Hanford public involvement website at https://go.usa.gov/xVmew, in the Administrative Record at https://go.usa.gov/xwepE, and in the Hanford Public Information Repositories at https://go.usa.gov/xVDTS. Please see the fact sheet attached.
Please submit comments by Aug. 14 Oct. 14 to BPlantEECA@rl.gov (preferred) or in writing to:
U.S. Department of Energy
Attn: Dana Gribble
P.O. Box 450, H6-60
Richland, WA 99352
Questions? Please contact Dana Gribble at Dana_C_Gribble@rl.gov or (509) 961-5609.
Fact Sheet