The public comment period end date has been extended Dec. 17, 2021.
Virtual Public Meeting on Proposed Changes to the Hanford Dangerous Waste Permit
The U.S. Department of Energy is holding a 60-day public comment period on a proposed Class 2 permit modification to the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) Dangerous Waste Permit, Chapter 6A Inspection Plan. This proposed permit modification would revise the inspection methods to align with current planned plant operations and inspection area accessibility.
The WTP is located in the 200 East Area of the Hanford Site and will process liquid waste from Hanford’s Tank Farms via the Tank-Side Cesium Removal System in support of the Direct-Feed Low-Activity Waste Program to treat tank waste. During program operations, the WTP will run the laboratory, and Hanford’s Effluent Management Facility, Low-Activity Waste Facility and supporting facilities.
The comment period runs from Oct. 5 through Dec. 4, 2021 Dec. 17, 2021. A virtual public meeting will be held Nov. 9 at 5:30 p.m. PT. To participate via Microsoft Teams, please follow the instructions below:
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting or
Join with a video conferencing device
Video Conference ID: 115 764 650 8
Alternate VTC instructions
Or call in (audio only)
+1 509-931-1284 United States, Spokane
(833) 633-0875 United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 941 976 390#
Please submit any comments by Dec. 4 Dec. 17, electronically (preferred) or by mail to:
Washington State Department of Ecology
3100 Port of Benton Boulevard
Richland, Washington 99354
The proposed permit modification and supporting documentation is available online during the public comment period on the Hanford events calendar, the Hanford Administrative Record, and at the Hanford Public Information Repositories. Please see the attached summary fact sheet.
Questions? Please contact Jennifer Colborn, Hanford Mission Integration Solutions, at, or Daina McFadden, Washington State Department of Ecology, at
To request disability accommodation, please contact Jennifer Colborn, or (509) 376-5840 at least 10 working days prior to the event. DOE makes every effort to honor disability accommodation requests.
Fact Sheet
Public Meeting Evaluation Form
Public Meeting Presentation
WTP Chapter 6A Inspection Plan Public Meeting