Radioactive Primer Presentation at the Hanford Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting – Learn radiation basics!
Red Lion Hanford House, 802 George Washington Way (Columbia/Benton-Franklin Room)
Richland WA
Public Involvement Meetings
Event Date:
6:00 pm
What: Radioactive Primer Presentation at the Hanford Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting – Learn radiation basics!
When: 6 p.m., April 8, 2015
Where: Red Lion Hanford House, 802 George Washington Way, Richland, WA (Columbia/Benton-Franklin Room)
Who: Richard Bloom, vice-chairman of the HAB’s Health Safety and Environmental Protection (HSEP) Committee, and Dr. Tony Brooks, HSEP member and former head of the DOE low dose program, will present a Radioactive Primer developed by a working group within the HSEP, as well as provide a demonstration of radiological monitoring equipment provided by the Washington State Department of Health.
Why: The presentation is intended to provide a basic understanding of radiological terms and effects. For example:
Types, sources and pathways of ionizing radiation
Ways radiation is measured and the units that are used
Potential exposure to radiation from different sources
Radiation regulatory limits and the concept of “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA).
How individual doses vary widely from background and medical exposure
Cancer risk associated with radiation, including the interactions between factors that can lead to greater risk and factors that can act as risk magnifiers
The linear dose response prediction that cancer risk is present at even extremely low doses
Differing views on the risks of radiation
Cancer risk is proportional to exposure, and occupational limits are set at ALARA levels to minimize the risk of cancer in comparison to other risks