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December 26, 2016
Event: 30-Day Comment Period: Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for some Reduction-Oxidation (REDOX) Facilities
Category: Comment Period / Feedback Opportunity
Event Date: 12/26/2016

The U.S. Department of Energy Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) is seeking public comments on the results of an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) that evaluates removal action alternatives for some of the Reduction-Oxidation (REDOX) facilities in the 200 West Area of the Hanford Site. Public comments are accepted from December 12, 2016 through January 20, February 3, 2017.

The REDOX Complex, comprised of the 202S building and surrounding structures, was used for chemical separation of plutonium from irradiated fuel rods from 1952 through 1967.  A limited shut-down of REDOX was performed after operations ceased, and the facility is currently in Surveillance and Maintenance (S&M) mode awaiting a final Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) cleanup decision.  DOE-RL recommends a removal action be performed prior to the final cleanup to mitigate potential threats to human health and the environment posed by contamination in the area.  

DOE-RL proposes to address hazards through a variety of actions including removing legacy waste, performing hazard abatement activities inside the 202S Building, and demolishing the 293S Building along with the annex portions of the 202S Building.  These actions would reduce the potential threats of contamination by allowing workers access to clean up radioactive and hazardous contaminants in those facilities.

This EE/CA evaluated alternatives for the removal action, based on effectiveness, implementability, and cost.  They are summarized below by their primary actions:

Alternative 1:

• No action

Alternative 2:

•  S&M of the REDOX structures
•  Hazard abatement of the 202S galleries
•  Demolition preparation activities in the 202S Silo Service Area
•  Demolition of the 293S Building and the waste removal activities associated with the closure of the 276S Hexone Storage Area
•  Grouting of the belowgrade areas of the 293S Building

Alternative 3: All Alternative 2 actions plus:

•  Demolition preparation of the 202S Annex and Canyon abovegrade

Alternative 4: All Alternative 3 actions plus:

•  Demolition of the 202S Annex (lower sections attached to the main 202S Building)

Based on the evaluation, Alternative 4 was selected as the recommended removal action.

Alternative 4 is preferred because it:

•  Provides the best combination of actions to protect workers, the public and the environment
•  Minimizes short and long term risk for workers, the public and the environment
•  Can be implemented through use of new, proven technology
•  Is both technically and administratively feasible
•  Supports the future cleanup decisions and characterization activities planned at REDOX

A public comment period runs from December 12, 2016 to January 20, February 3,  2017.  DOE-RL would like to hear your input on the alternatives and the recommended approach.  The RL contact for this EE/CA is Rich Buel, 509-376-3375.

Copies of the EE/CA and supporting documentation are available at the Administrative Record, 2440 Stevens Drive, Richland, WA or online:

Please submit comments by January 20, February 3, 2017 to:

Rich Buel, U.S. Department of Energy
Richland Operations Office
P.O. Box 550, A7-75
Richland, WA 99352

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