DOE-NRC Technical Call on the Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Evaluation for Vitrified Low-Activity Waste
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) are hosting a technical conference call for the NRC to ask follow-up questions on the Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) Evaluation for Vitrified Low-Activity Waste (VLAW). Participants will be able to listen in during the call between DOE and NRC, but there will not be a question and answer session or public comment opportunity. It is anticipated there will be more than one technical call between DOE and the NRC during the WIR evaluation.
Monday, Sept. 28, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT
Call-in conference call instructions:
1. Dial +1 509-372-3087 (local) or +1 800-664-0771 (long distance)
2. Enter Conference ID: 1333#
DOE is holding a 120-day public comment period on its Draft WIR Evaluation for VLAW. The Draft WIR Evaluation analyzes whether the VLAW meets waste management criteria, is incidental to the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, and may be managed (disposed of at the Hanford Site) as low-level radioactive waste in the future as has always been envisioned.
The comment period is from May 26 to Nov. 27, 2020. All comments should be submitted electronically by Nov. 27 to (preferred), or via mail to:
U.S. Department Energy
Attn: Jennifer Colborn
P.O. Box 450, MSIN H6-60
Richland, WA 99354
More information, including the Draft WIR Evaluation, its supporting technical document, Performance Assessment for the Integrated Disposal Facility, Hanford Site, Washington, and a summary fact sheet is available electronically on the Hanford website.
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