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45-day Comment Period: Proposed Changes to Tri-Party Agreement Milestones M-045-62, M-045-82, M-045-82A and M-045-83
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Comment Period / Feedback Opportunity |
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The U.S. Department of Energy Office of River Protection (DOE-ORP), Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology), and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – the Tri-Party Agreement (TPA) agencies – are holding a public comment period on proposed changes to the TPA. The proposed changes set new dates for DOE-ORP to submit to Ecology plans and schedules for closure activities in Hanford’s single-shell C Tank Farm as outlined in the M-045 milestone series. Specifically, the affected milestones include M-045-82, M-045-83 and M-045-62; as well as a new proposed milestone, M-045-82A.
The public comment periods runs from January 30 through March 17, 2017.
The complete TPA change package documenting the proposed changes is available at http://pdw.hanford.gov/arpir/index.cfm/viewDoc?accession=0073639H. Copies are also available for review at the Hanford Administrative Record Public Information Repository located at 2440 Stevens Drive, Richland, WA, and at other Hanford Public Information Repositories located throughout the Northwest. For a summary of the proposed changes, please see the fact sheet.
Please submit comments via email (preferred) or mail by March 17, 2017 to:
Dieter Bohrmann
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of River Protection
PO Box 450, MS H6-60
Richland, WA 99352
Email: TPA@RL.gov
Questions? Contact Dieter Bohrmann, ORP, at Dieter_G_Bohrmann@orp.doe.gov, or Randy Bradbury, Washington Department of Ecology, at Hanford@ecy.wa.gov.