Proposed Updates to Permit for Hanford Dangerous Waste Management Units
Comment Period / Feedback Opportunity
Event Date:
The U.S. Department of Energy Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) is holding a 60-day comment period from October 30, 2013 through January 6, 2014 on proposed Class 3 modifications to the Hanford Facility Dangerous Waste Permit. These changes are for the Low-Level Burial Grounds Trenches 31, 34 and 94, the Central Waste Complex and Waste Receiving and Processing Facility (CWC-WRAP), and the T-Plant Complex (T-Plant).
The proposed changes are to close some parts of the following units in Hanford’s Dangerous Waste Permit:
Low-Level Burial Grounds Trenches 31, 34, and 94
Central Waste Complex – Waste Receiving and Processing (CWC-WRAP) Facility
T-Plant Complex
Parts of these storage areas will not receive future waste shipments. The proposed modifications include submittal of:
Closure plans for the specific storage areas at these units
Updated Part A permit applications
Inspection and training plans for the storage areas during closure
Please submit comments by January 6, 2014 to:
Steve Lowe Washington State Department of Ecology 3100 Port of Benton Blvd Richland, WA 99354 Email: