Adding capacity to Hanford’s 325 Hazardous Waste Treatment Units (HWTUs)
Comment Period / Feedback Opportunity
Event Date:
The Department of Ecology proposes a modification to Hanford’s dangerous waste permit. The permittees are the U.S. Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). The 325 HWTUs store and treat waste from PNNL’s work in Hanford’s 300 Area.
What changes are being proposed?
The permit change will add three new units to the 325 HWTUs as areas where waste can be stored and treated:
Cask Handling Area – Has a heavier floor-loading limit and a large capacity bridge crane for handling heavy waste containers.
Truck Lock – Has a strong floor and a large roll-up door and ramp. In this area, the permittees can fill waste containers or boxes with grout and store them.
3714 Pad – Is a concrete pad where containers and boxes can be staged before shipment.
Submit comments by April 17 to:
Stacy Nichols (preferred)
3100 Port of Benton Blvd. Richland, WA 99354
Fax: 509-372-7971
Public meeting
A public meeting or hearing is not scheduled, but if there is enough interest, we will consider holding one. To request a hearing or for more information, contact:
Madeleine Brown