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February 11, 2016
Event: Public Comment Period: Proposed Changes to the permit for Hanford Dangerous Waste Management Areas
Category: Comment Period / Feedback Opportunity
Event Date: Feb 1, 2016 through May 13, 2016

Fact Sheet

Public Meeting Presentation

The U.S. Department of Energy Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) is extending the comment period on proposed changes to the Hanford Facility Dangerous Waste Permit. These changes will add the Low-Level Burial Grounds Trenches 31-34-94, the Central Waste Complex-Waste Receiving and Processing Facility (CWC-WRAP), and the T Plant Complex (T Plant) to the Hanford Permit. The public comment period will run until May 13, 2016.

DOE-RL and the Washington State Department of Ecology want your feedback on these proposed modifications!  Submit comments by April 8, 2016, in writing, by mail, or electronically (preferred) to:

Stuart Luttrell
Washington Department of Ecology
3100 Port of Benton Blvd
Richland, WA 99354

A meeting to discuss the proposed permit modifications and receive public input is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. March 7 at the Richland Public Library, 955 Northgate Drive. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can access the audio through an online webinar. Please use the link below to register and access the webinar:

Copies of the proposed permit modification and supporting documentation are available at the Administrative Record, 2440 Stevens Drive, Richland, WA. Fact sheets can be found at the Hanford information repositories.  Here are electronic links to the documents in the Administrative Record (These are large files, so they may take a few minutes to open):

Certification Statement (Section 1 of 5)

Permit application for LLBG Trenches 31-34-94 (Section 2 of 5)

Permit application for T Plant Complex (Section 3 of 5)

Permit application for CWC-WRAP (Section 4 of 5)

Supporting Documentation (Section 5 of 5)

This change is a Class 3 modification to the Hanford Permit, which regulates the storage, treatment, and disposal of Hanford’s dangerous waste. Class 3 modifications address changes that substantially alter a facility or its operations. All Class 3 permit changes require a public comment period and public meeting. The Washington Department of Ecology will hold a second public comment period before authorizing this Class 3 modification. The permittees’ compliance history during the life of the permit being modified is available from Ecology.



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