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LTS Project Management

Photo of the Columbia River with White Bluffs in the background

DOE-RL Office of Assistant Manager for Mission Support (AMMS) is responsible for LTS Program Management.  The Site Stewardship Division is responsible for LTS under AMMS and executes its LTS responsibilities and activities under the LTS Program and through the Hanford Mission Essentials Services Contract.

LTS Strategy:

RL’s near-term cleanup objective is to significantly reduce the footprint of active cleanup operations within the next five years for the Hanford Reach National Monument and the River Corridor. The Hanford LTS Program is responsible for ensuring the protectiveness of the remedy is maintained and managing the land once the cleanup objectives are achieved.

The initial focus of the LTS program was on the River Corridor area and the transition of the geographic areas into the LTS Program as CERCLA cleanup was completed. Prior to the completion of cleanup for a final remedy of a geographic area, the Hanford LTS Program worked with the cleanup projects to define:

  • cleanup completion schedule
  • geographic area boundaries and end state conditions
  • required LTS activities
  • estimated life-cycle costs for LTS of the geographic area
  • related information and data that will be needed to support LTS for the geographic area.

The program  is defined in the: 
Hanford Long-Term Stewardship Program Plan DOE/RL 2010-35.  


The Program Plan describes 14 key activities of the Hanford LTS Program:

1.   Conduct Administrative Activities 
2.   Surveillance And Maintenance Of Physical Remedies And Institutional Controls 
3.   Conduct CERCLA Five-Year Reviews
4.   Conduct Environmental Monitoring Of The Remedies
5.   Protect And Manage Site Resources
6.   Manage LTS Information
7.   Provide Emergency Services And Response 
8.   Manage Post-Cleanup Completion Infrastructure
9.   Conduct Monitoring And Maintenance Of Completed Natural Resource Injury Restoration Projects
10.  Ensure The Safety And Health Of LTS Workers
11.  Provide Quality Assurance
12.  Manage And Budget Necessary Funding
13.  Communications
14.  Continuous Process Improvement


These activities are grouped into 3 work scope components in the Program baseline document, as shown below.

LTS Project Management ProgramsSegment Transition LTS Execution

 Project Management

  • Planning
  • Resource Management
  • Reporting

Interface Management

  • Communications (Internal/External)
Information Management
  • Records
  • Data Systems
  • TTP Preparation
  • TTP Development
  • Contract Modification

Ensure Safety of the Environment

  • IC Assessment/Repair
  • Remedy Evaluation/Repair
  • Protect Resources
  • Reactor Assessments/Entries
  • Radiation Control
  • Emergency Services

CERCLA 5-Year Review (All RODs)

Transfer out of DOE-EM Ownership

Scope is defined in a WBS that includes  the three main elements shown above.  Program management activities are included under the Project Management Element  which involves developing the overall LTS strategy, control of costs and schedule elements and includes communication activities and information management.


Baseline Development & Management


An integrated cost and schedule life cycle baseline was developed that supports DOE’s planning efforts for Hanford’s Long Term Stewardship Program from 2013 through 2060. In 2060, it is anticipated that DOE’s office of Legacy Management (LM) will assume management responsibility of the Hanford LTS program.




Communication is a key component of the LTS Program. It consists of two main elements:

  • Interface with other Hanford Programs
  • Interface with External Entities

LTS has established a comprehensive communication strategy that identifies key audiences in both of the aforementioned elements and employs appropriate information tools and outreach forums.

Key Communication Tools

  • Briefings
  • Fact sheets
  • Website
  • Public documents
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ Sheet)
  • Personal communications
  • Databases
  • Reading room.

Internal Audiences:

  • Cleanup Projects
  • Hanford Contractors
  • Other Hanford DOE Programs
  • DOE Headquarters

External Audiences:

  • Tribal Nations
  • Hanford Advisory Board
  • US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Washington Department of Ecology
  • State & Local Governments
  • US Fish & Wildlife
  • US Ecology
  • Energy Northwest
  • Bonneville Power Administration
  • Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory



Information Management


Information Management is a critical component of the Hanford LTS Program.  It ensures ready access to complete and accurate cleanup information, the associated requirements, and DOE’s regulatory obligations.

RL’s strategic approach to ensure LTS records and data are collected, maintained, and retrievable in a manner consistent with RL’s overall information management plan.  The strategic approach includes three key elements as shown in the figure. Click on each button below for more details.

Information Management ArrowDefine LTS IM needs and requirements Identify, locate, and store LTS records and data Protect and make LTS records and data accessible



The first key elements is to define LTS IM needs and requirements…
Identify the records and data needed to support LTS. Document the location (e.g., IDMS, Records Holding Area (RHA), Administrative Record) and appropriate metadata (e.g., document attributes, document number, date, originator) of the records and data needed to support LTS. Store the LTS records and data in an approved records-keeping system. It also includes ensuring they are scheduled with the appropriate National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) record (retention) schedules.
Protect the LTS records and data to prevent loss, damage, or unauthorized destruction or disclosure by implementing protective measures to keep records from physical hazards, control unauthorized access, and protect records from alteration or destruction. Protection will include the appropriate information protection levels of control as defined by DOE policies and NARA requirements. Make accessible the LTS records and data to the Hanford LTS Program by creating finding aids, as needed, and providing records management and retrieval education and training for LTS Program staff. The Hanford LTS Program also will look for opportunities to make LTS records and data available to other entities, such as stakeholders and the public, as needed.

The Hanford LTS Program will help to ensure that the requisite records and data generated during the cleanup mission, necessary to support LTS and required under the regulatory process, are preserved and available for the future in a timely, cost-effective, and understandable manner. 


Long Term Stewardship Logo 

Hanford Mission Integration Solutions (HMIS)

LTS Program is responsible for:

  • LTS activities on the Hanford site
  • Transition of land into the LTS Program
  • Capturing all the information and records required for the long-term

LTS Program has developed:

  • Procedures and Desk Instructions for the program
  • A LTS Program Baseline for FY13 through FY60
  • A Comprehensive S&M Plan to guide LTS Execution through 2060

HMIS approach to the LTS program includes:

  • Actively reducing costs
  • Developing innovative  data collection processes
  • Streamlining Program Management
  • Actively supporting DOE in all LTS elements
  • Engaging cleanup contractors early in the transition process




Last Updated 11/11/2024 8:51 AM